- Arguably one of the hardest extremes for us to all clear as an FC, we were extremely proud to finally get this under our belt. Many of us managed to pull out previous clears, but this was our first as a full FC party! I'm so proud of and happy for each and every one of you.
- Member Kousotsu Tro found a way to get to the top of our new mansion walls, bringing with it two frequently used hangout spots including the top of the chimney and the top of the archway. If you ever get doted on from afar, be sure to check these places or see if you can find the way to the top yourself!
- Ever wondered what an all chicken run of a raid would look like? Well, look no futher. It looks a bit like this. Just ask council member Kyu for the details. She had to deal with all these chickens on her own.