- Kyu and Areli have been together forever! Is anyone surprised? No.
- This year for their anniversary, they decided to mix it up and do a Christmas theme! It was absolutely precious. Their outfits were adorable and all the festive guests made the event just so special. Thank you to all our Wanderers who came out and made the day as amazing as it was.
- It's not what it looks like! ...Well, it is but anyways. Sometimes, you just can't ask questions when it comes to the FFXIV community. This is one of those times. But it was still a super fun time. How many snowmen were even stacked by the end of this!?
- One of the best things about FFXIV for many of our members is trolling the party finder parties and seeing just how many insane or fun ideas people have thrown out there. I'm not sure who came up with this interesting and hellish idea, but someone decided to do a NEIR raid run where everyone unequipped their soul stone. It was surprisingly do-able although it took a very, very long time. The Wanderers never turn down a challenge!
- Well... no one expected this fight or any of the surprises it came with. What is your favorite part of the new trial? Are you ready to brave the extreme version? Are you prepared to fight off another warrior of light?
- Wanderers, we have another cause for celebration! Make sure to congratulate Vyse and Mizuki on their beautiful rainbow-themed wedding! Thank you so much to all of our members who came out to celebrate with our friends.
- Anyone who has finished our latest expansion, Shadowbringers, knows how heart-wrenching and emotional the final fight could be. (At least for some of us.) Although some controversial opinions have arisen, there's nothing quite like going through the story as a team.
- Following a quick game of Hide and Seek, our members decided to take a quick picture of their wide varieties of Chocobo colors and outfits! Each member has their own preferences when it comes to the aesthetics of our favorite birds which can be clearly seen here. It was a very fun day with hopefully many more like it to follow.
- Pictured Above: Vyse, Chii, Zahir, Qara, Kousotsu, Mizuki, Tsuko
- HAVEN doesn't get new members often, so we like to give a little shoutout to those of you who decide to join us. Pictured above are our two newest members, Vyse Arcadia and Mizuki Hada, alongside Zahir Al-ghul and one of our council members, Qara Quraji.
- We are all so glad to have the two of you with us here in HAVEN and we hope you can find it to be as much of a friendly sanctuary as the rest of us do.
- Although the rest of our house was finally furnished in it's completion by our member Chii Matsuo a few days ago, the basement seemed to be a struggle. Our member Kousotsu Tro took full advantage and turned the whole downstairs into a giant stage!
- No worries, though, even the basement has finally been completed... with some ideas stolen from a couple members who enjoyed it's half-done state before. Take a look below for a glimpse at HAVEN's new risque basement.
- Just like every raid that's dropped so far, our members love to complete their first go as a group. Not only is learning each new mechanic more entertaining with each other, but no one is yelling at you to hurry up and learn in the process.
- Square Enix likes to often throw up some new emotes for the adventurers of Eorzea to purchase from the mog station. In this case, the new emote Toast was something some of our members could not pass up.
- Our members Areli and Aren can be seen above using the emote to it's full potential in Aren's home transformed into a tavern!
- We were all minding our own business in Eorzea when one of our members caught wind of an event which required as many people as possible to come to another world on their Behemoth mounts. We aren't sure what the purpose of this was or perhaps what it's initial intentions were, but you can see above that the adventurers of Eorzea should not often be left up to their own devices. Not pictured here was all the jumping each person in this picture was certainly doing.
- One of the most difficult tasks when it comes to doing end game content is finding competent players to clear with. In HAVEN, it's a task that often times becomes unnecessary! As pictured here, our members often help each other get their clears even when it comes to the end game content. Not many of us would consider ourselves hard core players, but even those that do never hesitate to come to the aid of those who arrive at the end much slower.
- Besides, what is more fun than trying to do a difficult task and making light of it with your friends?
- We always ask for luck when beginning a maps farm. Usually, it doesn't work out for us, or on our lucky days we get to the end a single time and are proud of this feat. Today, though...
- Somehow we managed to make it all the way to the final chamber not once, not twice, but three whole times! Can you tell how excited we are!?
- Between new major patches and content, sometimes the best thing to do is return to the old Palace of the Dead or Heaven on High ways. Our members pictured here tried to make it their quest to make it to the very top of Heaven on High? Will they be successful in their task? Only time will tell... but that tower sure is high and each level brings new and difficult challenges!
- Pictured Here: Qara Quraji, Aren Drakaiser, Areli Llewelyn, Kousotsu Tro
- Over the last few patches, many super cool new exterior items have been added to the list of outdoor decorations. Our members have taken full advantage and come up with brand new ideas. If you haven't seen the changes, it would be worth your time to find yourself over in the new FC yard. These stalls are super cute and perfect for an FC like ours!