Monday, December 17, 2018

Starlight Celebration 2018

  • Starlight Celebration has just gotten started and it's simply magical. Run over to Gridania to participate in the most wonderful time of the year and play your part as a choir director. In return, earn your very own choir robe. As always, many of previous years' favorite treats are also available for purchase using the events currency. 
  • Happy Holidays, HAVEN! I hope you truly enjoy this magical time of year!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

New Yard - Who Dis?

  • Everyone, please, make sure to give a huge thanks to Lia for supplying us with our new, super cool odder otter exterior! 
  • Thanks to our new exterior, Chii decided to do a complete re-vamp of the FC yard. We hope everyone loves the new look as much as we do!